Catching dropped executable files without a sandbox

One common technique used by a lot of exploits, malware, and obfuscated software is to dynamically generate or download an executable or DLL file, run it or load it, then delete it. I frequently catch even legitimate software doing this, but I am always curious as to what executable code the authors are trying to hide. Saving those automatically generated files is a core feature of any decent sandbox out there, but in many cases, you see this activity on a production system and don’t know where the file is coming from. Especially if it only happens infrequently, it often doesn’t make sense to try to put the whole system in a sandbox. So instead, I just use a simple trick with NTFS file permissions.

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The Infosec Revival – DerbyCon 2013

DerbyCon this year was awesome as usual. I presented “The Infosec Revival: Why owning a typical network is so easy, and how to build a secure one.” The video is here on Youtube: Or you can check out the slides here: The RDP video is here: And the VM isolation video is here: I should […]

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Remote Desktop and Die – How to RDP Faster Without Getting Robbed

Unless you have not patched your domain controller in the past five years, chances are, if an intruder gets domain admin or enterprise admin level access, they probably did it through credential theft. One of the biggest recurring themes of countless intrusion and pentest reports is that to accomplish lateral movement and privilege escalation to […]

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Secure random password generation

Ideally you never use a password, but sometimes, you have to anyway. One very common scenario is in signing up for a web application. Such passwords can be stored on the server, hashed with a fast algorithm such as MD5, and over which you have no control. You do not want your password to be […]

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Ambush Standalone

Ambush was designed in a server-client architecture to make it easy to deploy to lots of systems, but sometimes you just want to get it running on a single system, without the hassle of requiring a custom server setup or signature creation.


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Fixing Pass The Hash and 14 Other Problems

A combined solution to 15 different serious problems with password-based authentication, including the Pass-The-Hash (PTH) attack. No other measures come close to solving all these problems, and for many of the problems, I am unaware of any other solution at all. Sadly, both Microsoft and other security researchers did not really consider this solution or discounted it as unrealistic. The objections either showed flaws with only implementating half a solution or assuming legacy equipment or implementation difficulties will doom the project, due to a focus on what a large enterprise would be likely to implement with minimal effort right now. It reminds me of an immigration debate that focuses on people who are already here, paying less attention to future immigrants only to find that 30 years later, what happened to the future immigrants is all that mattered. Here are the objections, and why they should not stop you.

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Breaking and Building a Secure Network – BSides San Antonio

This past weekend I gave a talk at BSides San Antonio titled “Pigs Don’t Fly – Why owning a typical network is so easy, and how to build a secure one.” I took a top-down look at the security barriers in a typical organizational network, the many techniques attackers use to break them, and how […]

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Using the GUI in Metasploit 4.6

Unfortunately, Rapid7 recently informed me that they would no longer be including msfgui from the official distribution of Metasploit (along with Armitage). But don’t worry, because even though it is now a separate program, msfgui is still supported and still provides (in my humble opinion) the best way of harnessing all the power of Metasploit.

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Saving shells with PrependMigrate

One of the more frustrating experiences in infosec is getting a session back – just to have it die a second later. Often, exploited processes are simply unstable; after smashing the heap or some other data structures, the process crashes not long after starting the shellcode. Sometimes the process freezes and the user exits the […]


Economics in One Lesson

This is off the security topic, but I was really excited to find this online, so deal with it. Everyone who votes needs to understand this. We have all heard the fallacies before, and it’s hard not to disagree. When people need jobs, why can’t the government create jobs with public works projects? Don’t all […]

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