Archive for category Metasploit

msfgui – now in metasploit

The new msfgui is now in metasploit; svn up your msf3/ directory to get it. There is also a good review at Initial reception has been good, although a few bugs have popped up. It supports most scripts and most options on them via a right-click menu on a meterpreter session, generates a basic […]

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New msfgui

Edit: the new gui has been integrated into metasploit. Update and enjoy. Edit: screenshots here: msfgui/ The old msfgui has fallen out of repair, and no longer works on many installs since the right ruby libraries are hard to get and are no longer maintained. But for a number of reasons I still think it’s […]


Maple exploit

Exploit for an 0day vulnerability (feature?) in Maple. Default Maple security settings prevent code from running in a normal maple worksheet (.mw) without user interaction, but those setting do not prevent code in a .maplet from running. Put malicious code at start of .maplet, get the target to double-click and … profit. (As a […]

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EXE injection plus

For those interested in metasploit (or whatever) payload injection into EXE files, the metasploit patch (now posted is based on one case, albeit the most likely to work, of my original program in C and Win32 API. This original program also can embed the payload if it fits into unused space at the end of a code section, which […]

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Metasploit EXE code injection

I recently posed a patch to inject an arbitrary metasploit payload into a win32 exe while attempting to not affect the behavior of the host exe. I’m not the best ruby ninja, but I do at least know a little about the PE format. the patch: Payload is run in a separate thread. […]

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Shellcode API hashes

For all you shellcoders out there; to make Windows API calling easier, you can use Stephen Fewer’s block_api.asm in the Metasploit tree. But you need the function hashes, which if you don’t have the DLL on your current OS, or the python file, or something like that can be annoying. So I posted a […]

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